It was on a lazy Sunday afternoon that P called out F & me for some treats which we jobbled in a jiffy. She saved a bit & hid some for the group-absentees & locked it away to keep it safe from prying eyes(read F & me). .. and just 'coz she did that F & me quickly gobbled it up, replacing the treats with some cream bottles & sat through the afternoon with innocent smiles. When P later found this, she was so furious that she chased us around the hostel till we could run no more!! Tutti-frutti was a major chunk of what we gobbled up & P chasing us around is what i remember anytime i see these little jewels. So, P.. here i am, dedicating this recipe to u.. hope we are even!! :D ;)
You need:
3 cups finely diced raw papaya
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup water
a big pinch of food color
1 tbsp brandy - optional
How to:
Peel the papaya & wash well to remove the milk that oozes out. Scoop out the seeds if any & dice the papaya finely. Wash twice to remove the milkiness. Add enough water to cover the papaya pieces. Cook this till transparent - but firm. I cooked it for 8minutes in the microwave. Drain out the water & spread on a kitchen towel to remove excess water.
Take 1/2 a cup of water in a wok & bring to boil, adding the color. Add the sugar & stir well till it dissolves. Now add the papaya & continue to heat on low till the mixture comes to a boil. Once the pieces have absorbed color completely, remove from the flame & let it rest till it cools down. Transfer the cooled tutti-frutti into a sterilized jar & refrigerate/use as required.
The original tutti-frutti recipe calls for some brandy & so i added about 1 tbsp directly into the bottle...screwed the lid on & gave it a real good shake. :)
- Soon after you dice them, rinse the papaya pieces well till the water runs clear.
- If the papaya pieces have not been drained well, you could reduce the water to 1/4 cup. If you still end up some liquid, add 2 tbsp of the same into your tutti-frutti bottle & discard the rest.
Still trying to figure out, who P & F is.
Piysu & Feli(Paru), 90!!! ;) :D hehe.. n i'm sure smebdy else wud b wonderin' what 90 stands 4!! :D
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