Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chamundi- the unconventional way

Had a weekend with nothing much to do & so a few friends(Gotty,Cheeks,Amit,Prem), my bro & me had our very own little adventure...
We started from home at around 5:30AM.. had a cup of tea at the corner T-shop on KD road & we were ready to go. We parked our bikes at the foot of Chamundi hills and in sometime took the flight of stairs that led to the temple atop the hill.Well, it was kinda tiring, yes- but the thought of losing some fat kept me going ;) Climbing up is not something one would call adventerous… its more of an exercise & the scenery is a great motivator! :)
Reached the temple sooner than we expected... saw a monkey trying to ride a bike while we waited for the temple gates to open.. had some tasty prasad after the pooja and found a spot to have the breakfast that we had carried along(ahem... I'd prepared Aloo paratas.. ;) ;) ) compliments for my cooking.. :) :) guess that was coz the guys did not expect much! :D
None of us wanted to take the conventional way back- down the stairs…Well..we just scouted around for a way down the hill without a route.. groping about some huge rocks and sliding down some more...
Most of our way was filled with thorny shrubs and amazing flowering plants. We found two really cool caves. We had been warned about some wild 'CATS' prowling around the hill. But that made it all the more exciting. We found a cave with a little pool by the side, covered with flowers fallen from a nearby tree! a puuurfct movie setting..- we named it the 'Pool of U-th'. Never realised that there was something so serene waiting to be discovered! Probably the King used it during his days!! ;) ;)
Many scratches, slides along slippery rocks n lotsa yells(followed by hushes) later.. we reached a fence..the general conclusion was that the fence was put up to keep the villagers away from wild, curious animals..hmmmn.. dunno if tatz the real reason! :) We had to climb over the fence & make sure that we weren't caught by lurking officials while doin so..
Over the fence & back to civilization for lunch with memories of a path less travelled- a half Saturday well spent :)

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